10 commonly used root words with example and usages

10 Commonly Used Root Words in English

Root words are the building blocks of the English language. By understanding these root words, you can easily decipher the meaning of many words and expand your vocabulary. Here are 10 commonly used root words along with their meanings and examples:

1. Bio (life) - Biology, biodegradable, biography
जीव, जीवविज्ञान, जीवघटनाशील, जीवनी

2. Chron (time) - Chronological, synchronize, chronic
समयगामी, समयरेखांकन, अविरत

3. Geo (earth) - Geography, geology, geothermal
भूगोल, भूविज्ञान, भूतापीय

4. Graph (write) - Autograph, graphic, paragraph
हस्ताक्षर, ग्राफिक, अनुच्छेद

5. Log (study) - Biology, psychology, logic
जीवविज्ञान, मनोविज्ञान, तर्कशास्त्र

6. Phon (sound) - Telephone, microphone, symphony
टेलीफोन, माइक्रोफ़ोन, सिम्फ़ोनी

7. Photo (light) - Photograph, photosynthesis, photon
फ़ोटोग्राफ़, फ़ोटोसंश्लेषण, फ़ोटॉन

8. Tele (far) - Television, telephone, telescope
टेलीविज़न, टेलीफोन, दूरबीन

9. Vid (see) - Video, evidence, visual
वीडियो, सबूत, दृश्य

10. Auto (self) - Autobiography, automatic, automobile
आत्मकथा, स्वचालित, ऑटोमोबाइल

Key Mistakes:
One common mistake is to confuse the root word with its derived form. For example, "biology" is the study of life, while "biography" is the story of someone's life. It's important to understand the different meanings and usage of each word.

By familiarizing yourself with these root words, you can easily understand and learn new words in English. So, start exploring the world of root words and enhance your English vocabulary!



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