10 new English words you should know in 2024 - PART 1

10 New English Words You Should Know in 2024

English is a constantly evolving language, with new words being added to the dictionary every year. Staying up-to-date with these new words can help you improve your English skills and stay current with the language. Here are 10 new English words you should know in 2024:

1. Vaxxer - A person who strongly supports vaccination.
Hindi Translation: टीकाकर्ता
Example: My friend is a vaxxer and believes in the importance of getting vaccinated.
Hindi Translation: मेरा दोस्त एक टीकाकर्ता है और टीकाकरण कराने के महत्व में विश्वास रखता है।

2. Eco-anxiety - A feeling of worry or stress about the environment and climate change.
Hindi Translation: पर्यावरण चिंता
Example: Many people experience eco-anxiety due to the increasing pollution levels.
Hindi Translation: बढ़ते प्रदूषण स्तर के कारण कई लोग पर्यावरण चिंता का अनुभव करते हैं।

3. Flexitarian - A person who primarily follows a vegetarian diet but occasionally eats meat or fish.
Hindi Translation: फ्लेक्सिटेरियन
Example: My sister is a flexitarian and only eats meat on special occasions.
Hindi Translation: मेरी बहन एक फ्लेक्सिटेरियन है और केवल विशेष अवसरों पर मांस खाती है।

4. Infodemic - An excessive amount of information, often false or misleading, that spreads rapidly during a crisis.
Hindi Translation: जानकारी महासंचार
Example: The COVID-19 pandemic led to an infodemic, with misinformation spreading rapidly on social media.
Hindi Translation: COVID-19 महामारी ने जानकारी महासंचार का कारण बनाया, जहां गलत जानकारी सोशल मीडिया पर तेजी से फैल गई।

5. Nomophobia - The fear or anxiety of being without one's mobile phone or being unable to use it.
Hindi Translation: मोबाइल फोन का डर
Example: Many people experience nomophobia and feel anxious when they forget their phone at home.
Hindi Translation: कई लोगों को मोबाइल फोन का डर होता है और जब वे अपना फोन घर भूल जाते हैं तो चिंतित महसूस करते हैं।



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