अंग्रेज़ी भाषा में प्रयोग होने वाले DUTCH शब्द

Booze(शराब पीना) = from busen (to drink in excess)
Cookie (कुकी) = from koekie (biscuit)
Cruise(समुद्र-पर्यटन) = from kruisen (to cross or to sail to and fro)
Decoy (प्रलोभन) = from de - the + kooi - a cage (used lure and capture wild fowls)
Excise (उत्पाद शुल्क) = from Middle Dutch excijs (tax on goods)
Iceberg (हिम-शिला) = from Dutch ijsberg (literally- ice mountain)
Measles (खसरा) = from Dutch masel (blemish)
Smuggler (तस्कर) = from Dutch smokkelen (to transport (goods) illegally)
Yacht (नौका) = from Dutch jacht, short for jachtschip (literally - a hunting ship)



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