Correcr rules to use ‘Either-Or’ and ‘Neither-Nor’

Correct Rules to Use ‘Either-Or’ and ‘Neither-Nor’

Either-Or and Neither-Nor are commonly used in English language to express choices or alternatives. However, many English learners often make mistakes while using these phrases. In this article, we will discuss the correct rules to use ‘Either-Or’ and ‘Neither-Nor’ to avoid confusion.

Key Concepts:
1. Either-Or: It is used when we have two options or choices. It indicates that only one of the options can be chosen.

Usage Example: You can either have tea or coffee.
Translation in Hindi: आप चाय या कॉफी पी सकते हैं।

2. Neither-Nor: It is used when we want to negate both options or choices. It indicates that none of the options can be chosen.

Usage Example: Neither John nor Mary likes to eat spicy food.
Translation in Hindi: न जॉन पसंद करता है और न ही मेरी तीखा खाना।

Key Mistakes:
1. Using ‘Either’ with ‘Nor’: Incorrect: Either John nor Mary likes to eat spicy food.
Correct: Neither John nor Mary likes to eat spicy food.

2. Using ‘Neither’ with ‘Or’: Incorrect: Neither you or I can go to the party.
Correct: Neither you nor I can go to the party.

Remember, ‘Either’ is used with ‘Or’ and ‘Neither’ is used with ‘Nor’. By following these correct rules, you can effectively use ‘Either-Or’ and ‘Neither-Nor’ in your English conversations. Practice these rules and improve your English language skills.



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