Correct use of Possessive adjectives in English Grammar

Correct use of Possessive adjectives in English Grammar

Possessive adjectives are an important part of English grammar. They are used to show ownership or possession of something. It is essential to use them correctly to convey the intended meaning in a sentence. Let's understand the key concepts related to possessive adjectives and their correct usage.

Possessive adjectives in English are: my, your, his, her, its, our, and their. These adjectives are used before a noun to show who owns or possesses it. For example, "This is my book" or "Is this your car?"

Here are some usage examples of possessive adjectives:

1. This is my house. (यह मेरा घर है।)
2. Is this your pen? (क्या यह आपकी कलम है?)
3. His dog is very friendly. (उसका कुत्ता बहुत दोस्ताना है।)
4. Her parents are coming tomorrow. (उसके माता-पिता कल आ रहे हैं।)
5. Its color is blue. (इसका रंग नीला है।)
6. Our house is big. (हमारा घर बड़ा है।)
7. Their car is parked outside. (उनकी कार बाहर पार्क है।)

Some common mistakes to avoid while using possessive adjectives are:

1. Confusing "your" and "you're" - "Your" shows possession, while "you're" is a contraction of "you are."
2. Using possessive adjectives with gerunds - Instead of saying "I appreciate your helping," say "I appreciate you helping."
3. Using possessive adjectives with body parts - Instead of saying "She hurt her leg," say "She hurt a leg."

By understanding the correct use of possessive adjectives, you can improve your English grammar skills and effectively communicate ownership or possession in your sentences.



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