Correct use of verb 'Run" in all forms of tenses

Correct use of the verb 'Run' in all forms of tenses

The verb 'run' is a common word in the English language, and it is important to know how to use it correctly in different tenses. Here are some key concepts to help you understand and use 'run' correctly.

Present tense: In the present tense, we use 'run' to talk about actions happening now or regularly. For example:
- I run every morning. (मैं हर सुबह दौड़ता हूँ।)
- She runs faster than me. (वह मुझसे तेज़ दौड़ती है।)

Past tense: In the past tense, we use 'ran' to talk about actions that happened in the past. For example:
- He ran a marathon last year. (उसने पिछले साल एक मैराथन दौड़ा।)
- They ran away when they saw the police. (जब उन्होंने पुलिस को देखा तो वे भाग गए।)

Future tense: In the future tense, we use 'will run' to talk about actions that will happen in the future. For example:
- We will run a race next week. (हम अगले हफ्ते एक दौड़ दौड़ेंगे।)
- She will run for president one day. (वह किसी दिन राष्ट्रपति के लिए दौड़ेगी।)

Key mistakes: One common mistake is using 'run' instead of 'ran' in the past tense. For example, saying "I run to the store yesterday" is incorrect. The correct sentence should be "I ran to the store yesterday" (मैंने कल दुकान तक दौड़ा।).

In conclusion, understanding the correct use of the verb 'run' in different tenses is essential for effective English communication. Practice using it in sentences to improve your language skills.



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