Correct Use of ‘whom’ in Written and Spoken English

Correct Use of ‘whom’ in Written and Spoken English

The word ‘whom’ is often used incorrectly in both written and spoken English. It is important to understand when and how to use ‘whom’ correctly to avoid making mistakes.

‘Whom’ is used as an object pronoun, which means it is used to refer to the object of a verb or a preposition. It is used when the person being referred to is the object of the action.

For example:
- I met a man whom I admire. (मैंने एक आदमी से मिला जिसे मैं प्रशंसा करता हूँ।)
- To whom did you give the book? (तुमने किसे किताब दी?)

In these examples, ‘whom’ is used to refer to the person who is being admired or to whom the book was given.

A common mistake is to use ‘who’ instead of ‘whom’ when it should be used as an object pronoun. Remember, ‘who’ is used as a subject pronoun, while ‘whom’ is used as an object pronoun.

For example:
- Who did you meet? (तुमने किससे मिला?)
- Whom did you invite to the party? (तुमने पार्टी में किसे आमंत्रित किया?)

In these examples, ‘who’ is used correctly as the subject of the sentence, while ‘whom’ is used correctly as the object of the verb.

By understanding the correct use of ‘whom’, you can improve your English writing and speaking skills. Practice using ‘whom’ in different sentences to become more comfortable with its usage.



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