Correct use of Interrogative adjectives in English Grammar

Correct use of Interrogative adjectives in English Grammar

Interrogative adjectives are words that are used to ask questions about nouns. They help us gather information and seek clarification. In English grammar, there are three main interrogative adjectives: what, which, and whose.

1. What (क्या): This interrogative adjective is used to ask about things or objects. It is used when we want to know more about an unknown item or when we have a choice between multiple options.

Usage examples:
- What book are you reading? (तुम कौनसी किताब पढ़ रहे हो?)
- What color is your car? (तुम्हारी कार किस रंग की है?)

2. Which (कौनसा/कौनसी): This interrogative adjective is used to ask about a specific choice or selection. It is used when we have a limited number of options and want to know which one is preferred.

Usage examples:
- Which movie do you want to watch? (तुम कौनसी फ़िल्म देखना चाहते हो?)
- Which dress should I wear to the party? (मुझे पार्टी में कौनसी ड्रेस पहननी चाहिए?)

3. Whose (किसका): This interrogative adjective is used to ask about possession or ownership. It is used when we want to know who something belongs to.

Usage examples:
- Whose pen is this? (यह किसकी पेन है?)
- Whose house are we going to? (हम किसके घर जा रहे हैं?)

Key mistakes to avoid:
- Using "what" instead of "which" when asking for a specific choice.
- Using "who" instead of "whose" when asking about possession.

By understanding and correctly using interrogative adjectives, you can ask questions more effectively and gain a better understanding of the world around you. So, keep practicing and improving your English grammar skills!



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