Correct use of Interrogative Pronouns in English Grammar

Correct use of Interrogative Pronouns in English Grammar

सही तरीके से प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम का उपयोग करना

Interrogative pronouns are words that are used to ask questions. They help us gather information about a person, thing, or place. In English grammar, there are five main interrogative pronouns: who, whom, whose, what, and which. Let's understand how to use them correctly.

1. Who - कौन
Who is used to ask about a person or people. For example:
- Who is your best friend? (तुम्हारा सबसे अच्छा दोस्त कौन है?)
- Who is coming to the party? (पार्टी में कौन आ रहा है?)

2. Whom - किसे
Whom is used to ask about the object of a verb or preposition. For example:
- Whom did you meet yesterday? (तुम किससे कल मिले थे?)
- To whom did you give the book? (तुमने किसे किताब दी थी?)

3. Whose - किसका
Whose is used to ask about possession. For example:
- Whose car is this? (यह किसकी कार है?)
- Whose bag did you borrow? (तुम किसका बैग उधार लिया?)

4. What - क्या
What is used to ask about things or activities. For example:
- What is your favorite color? (तुम्हारा पसंदीदा रंग क्या है?)
- What are you doing this weekend? (इस हफ्ते क्या कर रहे हो?)

5. Which - कौन सा
Which is used to ask about a choice or selection. For example:
- Which book do you want to read? (तुम कौन सी किताब पढ़ना चाहते हो?)
- Which movie did you watch last night? (तुमने कल रात कौन सी फिल्म देखी थी?)

Key Mistakes:
- Using "who" instead of "whom" when asking about the object of a verb or preposition.
- Using "which" instead of "what" when asking about things or activities.

By understanding and practicing the correct use of interrogative pronouns, you can improve your English grammar and ask questions more effectively. Happy learning!



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