Correct Use of verb ‘give’ in Written and Spoken English

Correct Use of verb ‘give’ in Written and Spoken English

स्पष्ट अंग्रेजी में क्रिया 'give' का सही उपयोग

The verb 'give' is one of the most commonly used verbs in English. It is used to express the action of transferring something to someone or something. However, it is important to use this verb correctly in both written and spoken English. Here are some key concepts to keep in mind:

1. Direct Object: The verb 'give' requires a direct object, which is the thing being transferred. For example:
- She gave me a book. (उसने मुझे एक किताब दी।)
- They gave their dog a treat. (उन्होंने अपने कुत्ते को एक ट्रीट दी।)

2. Indirect Object: The verb 'give' also requires an indirect object, which is the person or thing receiving the transfer. For example:
- He gave his sister a present. (उसने अपनी बहन को एक उपहार दिया।)
- We gave the children some candies. (हमने बच्चों को कुछ मिठाई दी।)

3. Prepositions: The verb 'give' is often followed by prepositions like 'to' or 'for' to indicate the recipient or purpose of the transfer. For example:
- She gave the money to her friend. (उसने पैसे अपने दोस्त को दिए।)
- They gave food for the homeless. (उन्होंने बेघरों के लिए खाना दिया।)

Some common mistakes to avoid when using the verb 'give' are:
- Forgetting to include a direct or indirect object.
- Using incorrect prepositions after 'give'.
- Confusing 'give' with other similar verbs like 'take' or 'bring'.

By understanding these key concepts and avoiding common mistakes, you can improve your English communication skills and use the verb 'give' correctly in both written and spoken English. Happy learning!

स्पष्ट अंग्रेजी में क्रिया 'give' का सही उपयोग



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