Correct Use of verb ‘take’ in Written and Spoken English

Correct Use of verb ‘take’ in Written and Spoken English

स्पष्ट अंग्रेजी में क्रिया 'take' का सही उपयोग

The verb ‘take’ is commonly used in both written and spoken English. However, it is important to use it correctly to convey the intended meaning. Here are some key concepts to keep in mind when using the verb ‘take’:

1. Take + noun: This structure is used when someone physically removes or carries something. For example:
- She took the book from the shelf. (उसने रखी से किताब ली।)
- He took his bag and left the room. (उसने अपना बैग लिया और कमरे से चला गया।)

2. Take + object + time: This structure is used to express the duration of an action. For example:
- It took me two hours to finish the assignment. (मुझे निबंध पूरा करने में दो घंटे लगे।)
- The journey took them a whole day. (उन्हें पूरे दिन का समय लगा यात्रा करने में।)

3. Take + gerund: This structure is used to express an action or activity. For example:
- She takes swimming lessons every week. (वह हर हफ्ते तैराकी के पाठ लेती है।)
- They take pleasure in reading books. (उन्हें किताबें पढ़ने में आनंद आता है।)

Common mistakes to avoid:
- Incorrect: She took a decision.
Correct: She made a decision. (उसने एक निर्णय लिया।)
- Incorrect: He took a bath.
Correct: He had a bath. (उसने स्नान किया।)

By understanding the correct usage of the verb ‘take’, you can improve your English communication skills and avoid common mistakes. Practice using these structures in your conversations and writing to become more fluent in English.



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