Daily used Latin Abbreviations

कुछ Latin Abbreviations को हम almost daily use करते हैं। इन Abbreviations के साथ full stop (जिन्हें periods भी कहते हैं) का use किया जाता है। आज इनके बारे में detail में जानते हैं -
1) e.g. - इसका full form है exempli gratia और इसका meaning होता है - “for example” (उदाहरणस्वरूप) जैसे -
You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre, e.g. fruit, vegetables, and bread.
For girls, you might buy some jewellery, e.g. a pair of clip-on earrings, a bracelet, or hair accessories.
2) i.e. इसका full form होता है id est और meaning “that is” (आर्थात्/ जो कि... है) We use i.e. to introduce a word or sentence expressing what you have just said in a different and clearer way.
The hotel is closed during low season, i.e. from October to March.
The price must be more realistic, i.e. lower.
3) etc. - इसका full form होता है et cetera और meaning “and so forth” (इत्यादि/ वगैरह). It is used to avoid giving a complete list
We ate the sandwiches, cakes, etc that I had made.
We saw lots of lions, tigers, elephants, etc.



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