Daily used Phrases

1. Hey, Priya, thanks for coming over ( visit)
2. You are looking great! Come on in! ( enter)
3. Sorry for turning up ( arrive) so late!
4. It’s fine, don't worry about it. Welcome to my apartment.
5. It looks amazing, thanks for inviting me over! ( inviting someone to your house).
6. How are you getting on with ( handle ) your life as a college student?
7. Well, in the beginning, it was hard for me to fit in ( feel you belong to a place/group).
8. I grew up in a small town, I was not used to living in a big city.
9. It didn’t even have any friends, I felt pretty lonely. It was hard for me to hang in there ( to
continue and not give up.
10. But things have changed for the better.



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