Difference between need and want

Difference between Need and Want

जरूरत और इच्छा के बीच का अंतर

In English language, it is important to understand the difference between "need" and "want". These two words may seem similar, but they have distinct meanings and usage.

"Need" refers to something that is necessary or essential for survival or to fulfill a specific purpose. It is something that we cannot live without. For example, we need food, water, and shelter to survive. In Hindi, "need" can be translated as "आवश्यकता" or "जरूरत".

Usage examples:
1. I need to eat something before I go to work. (मुझे काम जाने से पहले कुछ खाना चाहिए।)
2. She needs a new pair of shoes for the party. (उसे पार्टी के लिए नए जूते चाहिए।)

On the other hand, "want" refers to something that is desired or wished for, but not necessarily essential for survival. It is something that we would like to have or do. In Hindi, "want" can be translated as "चाहता हूँ" or "इच्छा है".

Usage examples:
1. I want to buy a new car. (मुझे एक नई कार खरीदनी है।)
2. They want to go on a vacation next month. (उन्हें अगले महीने छुट्टी पर जाना है।)

Key Mistakes:
One common mistake is using "want" instead of "need" when talking about essential things. For example, saying "I want water" instead of "I need water" can lead to confusion. It is important to use the correct word to convey the right meaning.

In conclusion, understanding the difference between "need" and "want" is crucial in English language. By using these words correctly, we can effectively communicate our requirements and desires.



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