Idioms for personality and character - 1

armchair critic - एक ऐसा इंसान जो हमेशा दूसरों की आलोचना करता हो/ कमियां ढूंढ़ता हो लेकिन उन्ही मामलों में खुद कुछ करने को तैयार ना हो।
It’s easy to be an armchair critic. The real challenge lies in doing something to bring change.
Busybody - दूसरों के मामले में टांग अड़ाने वाले / दूसरों के ज़िन्दगी में दखल देने वाले
My neighbour is such a busybody! He keeps on peeping into others’ lives.
Cheapskate - कंजूस
What a cheapskate he is! He bought such a cheap gift for Mothers’ Day!
down-to-earth व्यावहारिक / समझदार / यथार्थवादी व्यक्ति
I like working with Seema. She is so down-to-earth.
behind the times / a fuddy-duddy समय से पीछे रहने वाला
My dad doesn’t have an E-mail address. He is a little behind the times.



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