Idioms related to safety and danger

Play with fire – आग से खेलना/ कुछ जोखिम भरा काम करना (to do something dangerous or risky)
Throw caution to the wind – बहुत असावधान हो जाना (to become very careless)
Look before you leap –करने से पहले अच्छी तरह से सोचना (Think carefully about what you are about to do before you do it)
Skate on Thin Ice - खतरे में होना (means that you are in danger)
On Dangerous Ground / On Icy Ground - कुछ ऐसा करना जो बहुत ही जोखिम भरा हो (doing something which will have negative consequences)
Sail Close to the Wind - असुरक्षित/ खतरनाक परिस्थिति में होना (in a dangerous situation)



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