खाने की तारीफ़ करना सीखें -2

SCRUMPTIOUS (स्क्रम्प-शस)
Used for something that tastes extremely good (बेहद स्वादिष्ट भोजन)
• The food in the party was scrumptious.

PALATABLE (पैल-अ-टबल)
Food that is fit for your taste (ऐसा खाना जो आपके स्वाद के अनुसार एकदम सही है)
• This a very palatable wine.

A dish having a juicy and/or a pleasant and rich sweet taste (एक रसभरा व मीठे स्वाद वाला भोजन)
• The luscious Alphonso mangoes are my favourite among all the fruits.

DELECTABLE (डिलेकटबल)
A better way of saying that the food is delicious (स्वादिष्ट व मनपसंद खाना)
• This bakery sells delectable handmade chocolates.



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