later and latter meaning in hindi

Key Concepts and Their Translation in Hindi Language

The words later and latter are often confused by English learners. In Hindi, later means "बाद में" and latter means "अंतिम" or "दूसरा".

Usage Examples and Translations

1. I will call you later.

मैं आपको बाद में फोन करूंगा।

2. The first book was interesting, but the latter was even better.

पहली किताब दिलचस्प थी, लेकिन अंतिम और भी बेहतर थी।

Key Mistakes

A common mistake is using later when you mean latter. Remember, later refers to time, while latter refers to the second of two things mentioned. For example, saying "I prefer the later option" is incorrect if you mean the second option; it should be "I prefer the latter option."

Understanding these differences will help you use these words correctly in your conversations and writing.



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