Learn about subject and predicate

Key Concepts: विषय और क्रिया

In English, every sentence has two main parts: the subject and the predicate. The विषय (subject) tells us who or what the sentence is about. The क्रिया (predicate) tells us what the subject does or what happens to the subject.

Usage Examples:

1. The cat sleeps.

बिल्ली सोती है।

Here, "The cat" is the subject, and "sleeps" is the predicate.

2. My brother plays football.

मेरा भाई फुटबॉल खेलता है।

In this sentence, "My brother" is the subject, and "plays football" is the predicate.

3. They are reading a book.

वे एक किताब पढ़ रहे हैं।

"They" is the subject, and "are reading a book" is the predicate.

Key Mistakes:

1. Forgetting to include a subject: "Is running fast." (Incorrect)

Correct: "The dog is running fast."

2. Mixing up subject and predicate: "The teacher explains the lesson." (Correct)

Incorrect: "Explains the lesson the teacher."

Understanding subjects and predicates helps you create clear and correct sentences in English!



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