Learn make sentences using idioms related to children

1. Babe in arms – नवजात शिशु (a very young child enough to be held in someone’s arms)
My aunt went for shopping, accompanied by a babe in arms and a child aged about six. (मेरी चाची खरीदारी के लिए गई, एक नवजात शिशु और एक लगभग छह वर्ष के बच्चे के साथ।)
2. Babe in the woods – अनुभवहीन व्यक्ति (someone who has not had much experience in life)
A few of the players were babes in the woods, just out of high school. (खिलाड़ियों में से कुछ अनुभवहीन थे, सिर्फ हाई स्कूल से बाहर आये हुए थे।
3. Blue-eyed boy – पसंदीदा व्यक्ति (Someone’s favourite person)
He was the media's blue-eyed boy. (वह मीडिया का पसंदीदा व्यक्ति था।)
4. Boys will be boys – बच्चे तो बच्चे ही रहेंगे (boys or men behave in certain ways, often noisily or irresponsibily)
My children are always being noisy with their friends. But boys will be boys. (मेरे बच्चे हमेशा अपने दोस्तों के साथ शोर करते हैं। पर बच्चे तो बच्चे ही रहेंगे।)
5. Child’s play – बच्चों का खेल/ बहुत आसान काम (very easy and simple to do)
For me, playing the guitar is child’s play. (मेरे लिए गिटार बजाना बच्चों का खेल है।)



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