लोगों का व्यक्तित्व बताने वाले सकारात्मक विशेषण-2

impartial - निष्पक्ष (free from undue bias or preconceived opinions)
passionate - भावुक (having or expressing strong emotions)
philosophical - तार्किक/ दार्शनिक (meeting trouble with level-headed detachment)
practical - व्यावहारिक (guided by experience and observation rather than theory)
rational - विवेकपूर्ण (having its source in or being guided by the intellect)
reliable - विश्वसनीय (worthy of trust)
resourceful - साधन-संपन्न (adroit or imaginative)
sensible - तर्कसंगत (able to feel or perceive)
sincere - निष्कपट (open and genuine; not deceitful)
sympathetic - सहानुभूति करने वाला (expressing compassion or friendly fellow feelings)
unassuming - विनयशील (not arrogant)
witty - हाजिर जवाब (combining clever conception and facetious expression)



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