लोगों के नकारात्मक लक्षणों का बताने वाले विशेषण-1

Aloof - अलग (someone who is generally unfriendly, distant, or cold toward others)
Aggressive - आक्रामक (someone who is always ready to fight or argue; someone who might be very forceful to get what they want)
Arrogant - अहंकारी (having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance)
Bossy - धौंस देने वाला (someone who often tells others what to do or gives orders)
Clingy - चिपकने वाला (someone who needs another person or needs emotional support all the time)
Cantankerous - झगड़ालू/ चिड़चिड़ा (stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate)
Cynical - स्वार्थी/ मानवद्वेषी (someone who believes the worst about others or believes people are generally dishonest or selfish)
Domineering - तानाशाही (tending to rule in a cruel manner)
Indolent - आलसी (disinclined to work or exertion)
Intolerant - असहनशील (unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion)



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