लोगों के नकारात्मक लक्षणों का बताने वाले विशेषण-2

Irresponsible - गैर ज़िम्मेदार (showing lack of care for consequences)
Grumpy - चिड़चिड़ा (to have a bad mood or bad temper)
Impulsive - आवेगशील (someone who makes decisions without thinking or considering the consequences; doing things without thought or care)
Indecisive - हिचकिचानेवाला/ दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ (someone who cannot make a decision)
Obsessive - आसक्त (a person who has compulsive preoccupations)
Obnoxious - अप्रीतिकर (someone who is annoying or unpleasant; offensive)
Picky - मीन मेख निकालने वाला (someone who is never pleased or happy with their choices)
Procrastinator - काम टालने वाला (someone who postpones work)
Sullen - बदमिजाज़ (showing a brooding ill humor)



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