Phrases with the word 'RECORD'

Broken Record - एक व्यक्ति जो किसी बात को बार बार दोहराता है (used to say that someone keeps saying the same thing over and over again)
A matter of record- लिखित तथ्य. कोर्ट का फैसला तो matter of record है (a thing that is established as a fact through being officially recorded)
On Record- भविष्य में reference के लिए/ अभिलिखित (used in reference to the making of an official or public statement)
Break a record- पिछले कीर्तिमान को तोड़ना (to perform better than anyone or anything else)
For the record- अभिलेख के लिए/ आम जनता और सभी के लिए (so that the true facts are recorded or known)



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