Pronounce it correctly

Accede - ak-SEED
(Meaning - स्वीकार करना/ सहमत होना - to consent, give approval; yield to another’s wishes)
Alias - AY-lee-iss
(Meaning - कल्पित नाम - an assumed name taken on temporarily, sometimes by a criminal or fugitive)
Camaraderie - kah-muh-RAH-duh-ree
(Meaning - सौहार्द - easy familiarity and friendship, often built over time
Colloquialism - kuh-loh-kwee-uh-liz-uhm
(Meaning - बोलचाल की भाषा - a word, phrase, or expression that is conversational rather than formal
Demagogue - DEM-uh-gog
(Meaning - जनसमुदाय का नेता - a leader who appeals to popular passions and prejudices to gain support



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