सफ़ाई के 10 साधन

broom - झाड़ू (brush with a long handle on it for sweeping floors)
mop - पोछा (long stick with a sponge at the bottom that is soaked in water and soap; used for cleaning floors)
dustpan - कूड़े का तसला (flat container used for collecting dirt and dust swept up with a broom)
garbage or trash bag - कूड़ा रखने का बैग (large, heavy bag for collecting the household garbage)
garbage or trash bin - कूड़ा रखने का डिब्बा (container with a lid that holds large garbage bags)
duster - डस्टर (a cleaning tool with a handle and feathers (or a soft cloth) used for wiping dust off surfaces)
vacuum cleaner - वेक्यूम-क्लीनर (a machine that sucks up dust and dirt on the floor as you push it around)
bucket - बाल्टी (a roughly cylindrical open container with a handle, made of metal or plastic and used to hold and carry liquids)
recycling bin - पुनः प्रयोग होने वाली वस्तुओं को रखने वाला डिब्बा (a container that holds paper, tins, glass, and other garbage that can be reused)
sponge - स्पन्ज (a soft cleaning product that absorbs water and is used for washing surfaces)



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