Words used to describe someone’s voice-1

adenoidal - जब कुछ आवाज़ नाक के through आती हुई सुनाई दें (some of the sound seems to come through their nose)
croaky - धीमे पर कर्कश आवाज़ में बोलना जैसे कि गला खराब हो (speak in a low rough voice that sounds as if one has a sore throat)
disembodied - आवाज़ जिसके वक्ता को देखा ना सकें (voice comes from someone who you cannot see)
flat - आवाज़ जिसमे कोई स्वर ना हो (voice that does not go up and down)
gruff - कर्कश धीमी आवाज़ (rough low sound)
guttural - कण्ठ से उच्चारण किया हुआ (a guttural sound is deep and made at the back of throat)
high-pitched - बहुत तेज आवाज (a high-pitched voice or sound is very high)
brittle - ऐसी आवाज़ जिससे लगे कि वक्ता रोने वाला हो (sound as if speaker is about to cry)



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