Bhutan refutes China's unsubstantiated claim

Bhutan's government has refuted the unsubstantiated claim of a senior Chinese diplomat, in which it was stated that Bhutan has conveyed to Beijing that Doklam is not a part of the Bhutanese territory. Earlier, Bhutan had clearly emphasized that the construction of the road inside Bhutanese territory is a clear violation of boundary agreements between Bhutan and China.

भूटान की सरकार ने एक वरिष्ठ चीनी डिप्लोमैट के निराधार दावे का खंडन किया है, जिसमें यह बताय गया था कि भूटान ने बीजिंग को यह अवगत कराया है कि डोकलाम भूटानी क्षेत्र का हिस्सा नही है। इससे पहले, भूटान ने स्पष्ट रूप से इस बात पर जोर दिया था कि भूटानी क्षेत्र के अंदर सड़क का निर्माण भूटान और चीन के बीच सीमा समझौतों का स्पष्ट उल्लंघन है।

Key Learnings

  • Verb : conveyed //कन्वेड// [अवगत कराना]

    Definition: To express a thought, feeling, or idea
    Synonyms: Communicate, Intimate, Inform, Notify
    Antonym: Refrain, Retain, Retract, Receive

  • Verb : emphasized //एम्फसाइज़्ड// [ज़ोर देना]

    Definition: To give special importance (to something) in speaking or writing
    Synonyms: Highlight, Accentuate, Assert, Punctuate
    Antonym: Ignore, Recant, Understate, Downplay

  • Verb : refuted //रिफ्यूटिड// [खंडन करना]

    Definition: To say or prove that a person, statement, opinion, etc. is wrong or false
    Synonyms: Deny, Confute, Rebut, Negate
    Antonym: Confirm, Certify, Admit, Avow

  • Adjective : unsubstantiated //अन्सब्स्टैन्शीऐटिड// [निराधार]

    Definition: Not supported or proven by facts and evidences
    Synonyms: Baseless, Dubious, Uncorroborated, Debatable
    Antonym: Valid, Genuine, Reasoned, Justified

  • Noun : violation //वायलेशन// [उल्लंघन]

    Definition: An action that breaks or acts against something, especially a law or an agreement
    Synonyms: Breach, Infringement, Infraction, Contravention
    Antonym: Abidance, Compliance, Observance, Allegiance



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