Key Learnings
Verb : amend //अमेन्ड// [संशोधन करना]
Definition: make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances
Synonyms: alter, modify, rectify, revise
Antonym: depress, destroy, remain -
Noun : downside //डाउन्साइड// [नकारात्मक पहलू]
Definition: the negative part of a situation
Synonyms: disadvantage, drawback, flaw, inconvenience,
Antonym: advantage, benefit, perfection -
Verb : uphold //अप्होल्ड// [बनाये रखना]
Definition: mo defend or maintain a principle or law, or to state that a decision that has already been made, esp. a legal one, is correct
Synonyms: maintain, sustain, continue, preserve
Antonym: abolish, cancel, deny