Key Learnings
Verb : displaced //डिस्प्लेस// [विस्थापित करना]
Definition: to force something out of its usual or original position
Synonyms: move, shift, dislocate, relocate
Antonym: admit, find, hold, keep -
Adverb : menacingly //मेनसिंगली// [डरावने ढंग से]
Definition: in a way that suggests the presence of danger; threateningly
Synonyms: ominously, grimly, threateningly, balefully
Antonym: unthreateningly, auspiciously -
Adjective : neighboring //नेबेरिंग// [पड़ोसी]
Definition: (of places) next or near to each other
Synonyms: near, nearby, close-up, next-door
Antonym: away, distant, far, faraway