Harivansh Narayan elected Rajya Sabha deputy chairman

NDA candidate and JD(U) member, Harivansh Narayan Singh was on Thursday elected as Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman with 125 votes. His opponent and Congress MP, BK Hariprasad got 105 votes. Harivansh is a former journalist. PM Modi and FM Arun Jaitley, who is recuperating after a kidney transplant, felicitated Harivansh Narayan on behalf of the whole house and said that he will further the dignity of the post.

एनडीए उम्मीदवार और जेडी (यू) के सदस्य, हरिवंश नारायण सिंह को 125 वोटों के साथ गुरुवार को राज्यसभा उपसभापति के रूप में चुना गया। उनके प्रतिद्वंद्वी और कांग्रेस सांसद, बीके हरिप्रसाद को 105 वोट मिले। हरिवंश एक पूर्व पत्रकार हैं। प्रधान मंत्री मोदी और वित्त मंत्री अरुण जेटली, जो कि किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद ठीक हो रहे हैं, ने पूरे सदन की ओर से हरिवंश नारायण को बधाई दी और कहा कि वह पद की गरिमा को आगे बढ़ाएंगे।

Key Learnings

  • Noun : dignity //डिग्निटी// [गरिमा]

    Definition: the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect
    Synonyms: pride, honor, prestige, glory
    Antonym: dishonor, ignominy, disgrace

  • Verb : felicitated //फेलिसिटेटिड// [बधाई देना]

    Definition: to praise or congratulate someone about their special achievements
    Synonyms: congratulate, laud, toast, salute, compliment, commend
    Antonym: condemn, imprecate, criticize, censure

  • Adjective : former //फॉर्मर// [पूर्व]

    Definition: of or in an earlier time; before the present time or in the past
    Synonyms: preceeding, erstwhile, foregoing, prior
    Antonym: latter, future, current, subsequent

  • Verb : recuperating //रीकूपरेट// [ठीक होना]

    Definition: to become well again after an illness; to get back your strength, health, etc.
    Synonyms: recover, heal, convalesce, get well, revive
    Antonym: weaken, fail, languish, fade, deteriorate



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