New twist in the Pradyuman murder case

The juvenile accused of the Pradyuman Murder case has confessed that he already knew Pradyuman as both used to attend Piano classes together. This familiarity proved to be lethal the accused easily coaxed Pradyuman to accompany him to the toilet. He also admitted that he had an exam-phobia and due to the constant quarrels between his parents at home, he had lost interests in his studies.

प्रद्युमन हत्या के अभियुक्त नाबालिग ने कबूल किया है कि वह उसे पहले से जानता था क्योंकि दोनों पियानो कक्षा में साथ थे। यह मेल-जोल प्राणघातक साबित हुआ क्योंकि अभियुक्त ने प्रद्युमन को अपने साथ शौचालय जाने के लिए आसानी से फुसला लिया। उसने यह भी स्वीकार किया कि उसे परीक्षा का भय था और घर पर अपने माता-पिता के बीच लगातार झगड़े होने के कारण, उसने अपनी पढ़ाई में रूचि खो दी थी।

Key Learnings

  • Verb : coaxed //कोक्स्ड// [फुसलाना]

    Definition: To glibly persuade someone to do something or go somewhere
    Synonyms: Ensnare, Allure, Cajole, Beguile
    Antonym: Discourage, Dissuade, Bully

  • Verb : confessed //कन्फेस्ड// [कबूल करना]

    Definition: To admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about
    Synonyms: Admit, Concede, Accept
    Antonym: Deny, Hide, Conceal

  • Adjective : juvenile //जूवनाइल// [नाबालिग व्यक्ति]

    Definition: Relating to a young person who is not yet old enough to be considered an adult
    Synonyms: Minor, Junior, Child, Youngster
    Antonym: Adult, Elderly, Grown up, Aged

  • Adjective : lethal //लीथल// [जानलेवा]

    Definition: Able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous
    Synonyms: Fatal, Malignant, Deadly, Mortal
    Antonym: Harmless, Beneficial, Healthy, Benign

  • Noun : quarrels //क्वॉरल्स// [झगड़ा]

    Definition: An angry disagreement between two or more people or groups
    Synonyms: Dispute, Argument, Squabble, Altercation, Feud
    Antonym: Concord, Agreement, Peace, Consensus



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