Key Learnings
Adverb : allegedly //अलैज्डिली// [कथित तौर पर]
Definition: Conveys the idea of lack of proof behind a statement or claim
Synonyms: Purportedly, Presumably, Speciously, Supposedly
Antonym: Certainly, Definitely, Evidently, Absolutely -
Verb : counterfeiting //काउंटरफिटिंग// [जालसाज़ी]
Definition: To imitate something with deceitful intent
Synonyms: Forgery, Imitating, Falsifying, Fabricating
Antonym: Authenticate, Attest, Certify, Validate -
Definition: Presence of something in small or insufficient quantity
Synonyms: Scarcity, Scantiness, Meagerness, Inadequacy
Antonym: Abundance, Opulence, Plethora, Affluence -
Verb : replenish //रिपलेनिश// [भर देना/पूर्ती करना]
Definition: To fill something up
Synonyms: Restore, Renew, Pervade, Fulfill
Antonym: Evacuate, Void, Avulse