Key Learnings
Verb : defaced //डिफैस्ट// [विकृत करना]
Definition: spoil the surface or appearance of (something)
Synonyms: demolish, obliterate, vandalize, deform, destroy
Antonym: build, construct, adorn, aid, beautify -
Definition: cause (liquid) to strike or fall on something in irregular drops
Synonyms: spatter, spray, sprinkle, blotch, smear, stain
Antonym: -
Verb : vandalized //वैन्डलाइज़ड// [तहस नहस करना]
Definition: deliberately destroy or damage (public or private property)
Synonyms: demolish, smash, trash, wreck, annihilate, damage
Antonym: build, construct, fix, mend, repair