Shashi Tharoor filed a defamation case against Arnab Goswami's 'Republic TV'

Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor has filed a defamation case against the television news anchor Arnab Goswami. He said that Goswami has deliberately sullied his image to increase the ratings for the newly launched news channel 'Republic TV'. Mr Tharoor claimed that TV anchor used the “vilest language” to insinuate that he had some dubious role in his wife Sunanda Pushkar’s death in 2014.

थिरुवनंतपुरम सांसद शशि थरूर ने टीवी न्यूज़ एंकर अर्नब गोस्वामी के खिलाफ मानहानि का मामला दर्ज किया है। उन्होंने कहा कि गोस्वामी ने अपने नये लॉन्च हुऐ समाचार चैनल 'रिपब्लिक टीवी' की रेटिंग बढ़ाने के लिए जानबूझकर उनकी छवि को कलंकित किया है। थरूर ने दावा किया कि टीवी एंकर ने "घिनौनी भाषा" का इस्तेमाल कर इशारा किया कि 2014 में उनकी पत्नी सुनंदा पुष्कर की मौत में उनकी कुछ संदिग्ध भूमिका थी।

Key Learnings

  • Noun : defamation //डेफमेशन// [मानहानि]

    Definition: The action of damaging the good reputation of someone
    Synonyms: Slander, Libel, Contempt, Denigration
    Antonym: Exaltation, Commendation, Accolade, Acclamation

  • Adjective : dubious //डूबीअस// [संदिग्ध]

    Definition: Having some uncertainty to it
    Synonyms: Ambiguous, Shady, Fishy, Precarious
    Antonym: Certain, Indisputable, Absolute, Unequivocal

  • Verb : insinuate //इन्सिन्यूऐट// [इशारा करना]

    Definition: To suggest or hint (something bad) in an indirect and unpleasant way
    Synonyms: Allude, Connote, Impute, Imply
    Antonym: Conceal, Withhold

  • Verb : sullied //सलीड// [कलंकित करना]

    Definition: To damage the purity or integrity of something
    Synonyms: Defile, Tarnish, Smirch, Disgrace
    Antonym: Dignify, Elevate, Ennoble, Extol

  • Adjective : vilest //वाईलेस्ट// [घिनौना]

    Definition: Extremely unpleasant and unacceptable
    Synonyms: Offensive, Disgusting, Repulsive, Despicable
    Antonym: Decent, Noble, Ethical, Chaste



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