Key Learnings
Verb : accorded //अकॉर्डिड// [मंज़ूरी देना]
Definition: To give or grant someone an official permission
Synonyms: Agree, Concur, Consent
Antonym: Discord, Disagreement, Oppose, Argue -
Definition: Help and support
Synonyms: Assistance, Benefit, Support, Backing
Antonym: Obstruction, Hindrance, Obstacle, Barrier -
Noun : humanitarianism //ह्यूमैनटेरियनिज़म// [मानवतावाद]
Definition: The doctrine that people's duty is to promote human welfare
Synonyms: Philanthropy, Benevolence, Generosity, Altruism
Antonym: Narcissism, Sarcasm, Selfishness, Egoism