Key Learnings
Noun : accreditation //अक्रेडिटेशन// [मान्यता]
Definition: official approval, esp. in order to maintain satisfactory standards
Synonyms: certification, approval, mandate
Antonym: disapproval -
Verb : breaching //ब्रीचिंग// [उल्लंघन करना]
Definition: breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct
Synonyms: transgress, infringe, violate, offend
Antonym: abide, fulfill, comply, observe -
Definition: answering questions in a way that is not direct or clear
Synonyms: ambiguous, sly, deceitful, equivocal
Antonym: honest, direct, straightforward, evident -
Adjective : unreliable //अन्रिलाइअबल// [अविश्वसनीय]
Definition: not able to be trusted or believed
Synonyms: dubious, uncertain, treacherous, questionable
Antonym: reliable, loyal, dependable, faithful