Two militants killed in Anantnag encounter

Two militants were killed in an encounter with security forces in Jammu and Kashmir's Anantnag district today. The encounter took place this morning after the intelligence services tipped-off the security forces. Preliminary reports suggested that hiding militants fired upon the search party as they cordoned-off the Larnoo area of Kokernag. The identities of the slain militants are yet to be ascertained.

जम्मू कश्मीर के अनंतनाग जिले में सुरक्षाबलों के साथ मुठभेड़ में आज दो आतंकवादी मारे गए। खुफिया सेवाओं द्वारा सुरक्षा बल को आगाह किये जाने के बाद आज सुबह यह मुठभेड़ हुई। प्रारंभिक रिपोर्टों से पता चला कि छिपे हुए आतंकियों ने खोज पार्टी पर गोलीबारी की, क्योंकि उन्होंने कोकरनाग के लारनू क्षेत्र को घेर लिया था। मारे गए आतंकवादियों की पहचान अभी निर्धारित की जानी बाकी है। 

Key Learnings

  • Verb : ascertained //ऐसर्टेंड// [निधा॔रित]

    Definition: find (something) out for certain; make sure of
    Synonyms: determine, discover, establish, verify
    Antonym: ignore, assume, avoid

  • Verb : cordoned-off //कॉर्डंड-ऑफ// [घेर लेना]

    Definition: prevent access to or from (an area or building) by surrounding it with police or other guards
    Synonyms: surround, circumvent, encircle, enclose
    Antonym: liberate, open, besiege

  • Adjective : slain //स्लेन// [मारे गए]

    Definition: someone who has been killed
    Synonyms: killed, executed, slaughtered, murdered
    Antonym: -

  • Verb : tipped-off //टिप्पड-ऑफ// [आगाह करना]

    Definition: to warn someone secretly about something that will happen, so that they can take action or prevent it from happening
    Synonyms: warn, advice, notify, apprise
    Antonym: betray, approve, conceal



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