Key Learnings
Definition: in the middle of or surrounded by
Synonyms: among, between, amidst. surrounded by
Antonym: beyond, outside, away, separate -
Definition: A blended drink contains two or more different types of the same product
Synonyms: mixed, combined, composite, amalgamated
Antonym: unblended, autonomous, broken, detached -
Adjective : comprehensive //कम्प्रेहेन्सिव// [व्यापक]
Definition: complete and including everything that is necessary
Synonyms: extensive, complete, broad, full
Antonym: incomplete, exclusive, limited, partial -
Definition: to watch people taking an exam in order to check that they do not cheat
Synonyms: supervised, stewarded, monitored, ministered
Antonym: neglected, abandoned, avoided, disregarded