Answer below question:
Question: वह फोर्मल शर्ट पहनना पसंद करता है ।
( A ). He liked to wear formal shirt.
( B ). He likes to wear formal shirts.
( C ). He liking to wear formal shirts.
( D ). He likes to wearing formal shirts.
Answer: He likes to wear formal shirts.
Explanation: शर्ट - shirts हमेशा plural होते हैं।
Answer below question:
Question: उसने सफेद मोजे पहने हुए है।
( A ). He is wearing white socks.
( B ). He is wearing white sock.
( C ). He are wearing black socks.
( D ). He is wear white socks.
Answer: He is wearing white socks.
Explanation: मोजे - socks हमेशा plural होते हैं।
Student | Teacher |
मुझे आपसे कुछ मदद चाहिए। | |
हाँ, बिल्कुल। मैं आपकी कैसे मदद कर सकती हूँ? | |
मुझे मेरे छोटे भाई की मदद करनी है। उसे वस्त्रों से सम्बंधित कुछ वाक्य अंग्रेज़ी में लिखवाने हैं। | |
अच्छा।चलो कपड़े और सिलाई से संबंधित कुछ शब्दों को सीखते हैं। |
Answer below question:
Question: अपने जूते के फीते बांधो।
( A ). Open your shoelaces.
( B ). Tie your shoelaces.
( C ). Tie my shoelaces.
( D ). Tie your shoe.
Answer: Tie your shoelaces.
Learn by TIPS:
Important words or verbs related to clothes:
to wear – पहनना
to put on – पहनना
to take off – उतारना
to get dressed – कपड़े पहनना
to get undressed – कपड़े उतारना
tight – तंग
loose – ढीला
button – बटन
cloth – कपड़ा
Thread – धागा
Sewing – सिलाई
Knitting – बुनाई
Answer below question:
Question: कोच ने मुझे एक तैराकी की पोशाक खरीदने के लिए कहा ।
( A ). The coach asked me to buy a flying costume.
( B ). The coach asked me to buy a swimming costume.
( C ). The coach asked me to buy a costume.
( D ). My father asked me to buy a swimming costume.
Answer: The coach asked me to buy a swimming costume.
Explanation: तैरते समय हमें एक विशेष पोशाक की जरूरत होती है जिसे Swimwear, Swim-suit या Swimming costume भी कहते हैं।
Answer below question:
Question: मुझे एक स्वेटर खरीदने की जरूरत है।
( A ). I need to buy a pullover.
( B ). I need to sell a pullover.
( C ). I need to buy a shirt.
( D ). She need to buy a pullover.
Answer: I need to buy a pullover.
Explanation: Sweater को Pullover भी कहते हैं।
Answer below question:
Question: ये पैंट मुझे अच्छी तरह से फिट है।
( A ). These pant fit me well.
( B ). This pants fit me well.
( C ). These pants fitting me well.
( D ). These pants fit me well.
Answer: These pants fit me well.
Explanation: pants हमेशा plural होता है।
Answer below question:
Question: लड़की ने अपने दुप्पटे से अपने सिर को ढका है।
( A ). The girl has covered her head with her saree.
( B ). The girl has covered her head with her scarf.
( C ). The girl has covered her shoulder with her scarf.
( D ). The girl has covering her head with her scarf.
Answer: The girl has covered her head with her scarf.
Answer below question:
Question: क्या आप मुझे उन दस्तानों में से एक पास करेंगे कृपया।
( A ). Could I pass them one of those gloves please?
( B ). Could you pass me some of those gloves please?
( C ). Could you pass me one of that gloves please?
( D ). Could you pass me one of those gloves please?
Answer: Could you pass me one of those gloves please?
Answer below question:
Question: वह जींस और टी-शर्ट उस पर अच्छा लग रहा है।
( A ). That jeans and t-shirts is looking nice on her.
( B ). Those jeans and t-shirt is looking nice on her.
( C ). That jeans and t-shirt is looking nice on her.
( D ). That jeans or t-shirt are looking nice on her.
Answer: That jeans and t-shirt is looking nice on her.