Answer below question:
Question: वे हमेशा शोर कर रहे थे ।
( A ). They were sometimes noisy.
( B ). They were always noisy.
( C ). They were often noisy.
( D ). They were usually noisy.
Answer: They were always noisy.
Answer below question:
Question: आप आमतौर पर रात में कौन सा कार्यक्रम देखते हैं?
( A ). Which programme do you always watch at night?
( B ). Which movie do you usually watch at night?
( C ). Which programme do you sometimes watch at night?
( D ). Which programme do you usually watch at night?
Answer: Which programme do you usually watch at night?
Answer below question:
Question: मैं हमेशा 11:00 से पहले बिस्तर पर जाता हूँ ।
( A ). I always go to bed before 11pm.
( B ). I usually go to bed before 11pm.
( C ). I often go to bed before 11pm.
( D ). I sometimes go to bed before 11pm.
Answer: I always go to bed before 11pm.
Teacher | Student |
आज हम कुछ सकारात्मक शब्दों के बारे में जानेंगे जो कोई कार्य कितनी बार हुआ बताते है। | |
ऐसे शब्दों को grammar में क्या कहते है? | |
ये शब्द Adverb of Frequency कहलाते है। | |
तो क्या ये हमेशा सकारात्मक होते है? | |
नहीं। हम नकारात्मक शब्द अगले लेसन में सीखेंगे। |
Answer below question:
Question: मैं कभी कभी मेरा फोन नंबर भूल जाता हूँ ।
( A ). I always forget my phone number.
( B ). I often forget my phone number.
( C ). I sometimes forget my phone number.
( D ). I never forget my phone number.
Answer: I sometimes forget my phone number.
Learn by TIPS:
I always do my homework on time.
- इस वाक्य में always (हमेशा) हमें “कितनी बार मैं समय पर अपना होमवर्क करता हूँ” - बताता है।
They usually go to Kashmir for holidays.
- इस वाक्य में usually (आम तौर) हमें “कितनी बार वे छुट्टियों के लिए कश्मीर जाते है” - बताता है।
Answer below question:
Question: वे अक्सर इंटरनेट का प्रयोग करते है।
( A ). They always use the Internet.
( B ). They sometimes use the Internet.
( C ). They often use the Internet.
( D ). They usually use the Internet.
Answer: They often use the Internet.
Learn by TIPS:
always (सदैव - 100% frequency)
usually (आमतौर पर - 90% frequency)
normally (सामान्य रूप से - 80% frequency)
often (अक्सर - 70% frequency)
frequently (बहुधा - 70% frequency)
sometimes (कभी कभी - 50% frequency)
Answer below question:
Question: सुनील सामान्य रूप से जिम में जाता है ।
( A ). Sunil often goes to the gym.
( B ). Sunil normally goes to the gym.
( C ). Sunil always goes to the gym.
( D ). Sunil sometimes goes to the gym.
Answer: Sunil normally goes to the gym.
Answer below question:
Question: हम आम तौर पर नाश्ते में फल लेते है।
( A ). We frequently have fruits for breakfast.
( B ). We normally have fruits for breakfast.
( C ). We often have fruits for breakfast.
( D ). We usually have fruits for breakfast.
Answer: We usually have fruits for breakfast.
Answer below question:
Question: हम आम तौर पर चाय पीते हैं।
( A ). We usually drink tea.
( B ). We usually drink coffee.
( C ). We always drink tea.
( D ). We frequently drink tea.
Answer: We usually drink tea.