Answer below question:
Question: लड़का बुद्धिमान है, पर नटखट है।
( A ). He is a wise guy but is naughty.
( B ). He is a wise guy and is naughty.
( C ). He is a wise guy because is naughty.
( D ). He is a wise guy or is naughty.
Answer: He is a wise guy but is naughty.
Answer below question:
Question: क्या आप काले रंग की शर्ट पहनेंगे या एक सफेद शर्ट?
( A ). Will you wear a black shirt while a white shirt?
( B ). Will you wear a black shirt but a white shirt?
( C ). Will you wear a black shirt and a white shirt?
( D ). Will you wear a black shirt or a white shirt?
Answer: Will you wear a black shirt or a white shirt?
Answer below question:
Question: शिकायत व सुझाव पुस्तिका मेज़ पर रखी है।
( A ). Complaint and suggestion book is on the table.
( B ). Complaint or suggestion book is on the table.
( C ). Complaint but suggestion book is on the table.
( D ). Complaint else suggestion book is on the table.
Answer: Complaint and suggestion book is on the table.
Answer below question:
Question: इस रविवार हम पिकनिक या मंदिर के लिए जा सकते हैं।
( A ). This Sunday we can go for a picnic and temple.
( B ). This Sunday we can go for a picnic but temple.
( C ). This Sunday we can go for a picnic or temple.
( D ). This Sunday we can go for a picnic yet temple.
Answer: This Sunday we can go for a picnic or temple.
Answer below question:
Question: It is a new house _____ an old house?
( A ). and
( B ). or
( C ). but
Answer: or
Explanation: यह एक नया घर या पुराना घर?
Answer below question:
Question: I like to study _____ he likes to play.
( A ). and
( B ). but
( C ). or
Answer: but
Explanation: मुझे पढ़ना पसंद है, लेकिन वह खेलना पसंद करता है।
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and – यह केवल समान, बराबर और बिना विषमता वाले कथनों को जोड़ता है। जैसे
His favourite snacks are cakes and biscuits. (उसका पसंदीदा नाश्ता केक और बिस्कुट हैं।)
but – यह conjunction विरोध/ विपरीत/ विषमता दिखाता है।
I eat cake, but I never eat biscuits. (मैं केक खाता हूँ, लेकिन बिस्कुट कभी नहीं खाता।)
or – यह conjunction दो विकल्पों में से एक को चुनने का बोध कराता है। जैसे…
Would you like cake or biscuits with your coffee? (क्या आप अपने कॉफी के साथ केक या बिस्कुट चाहेंगे?)
Answer below question:
Question: मैं उसके घर गया परन्तु वह नहीं मिला।
( A ). I went to his house because he did not meet.
( B ). I went to his house or he did not meet.
( C ). I went to his house and he did not meet.
( D ). I went to his house but he did not meet.
Answer: I went to his house but he did not meet.
Answer below question:
Question: Do you want to eat now ____ later?
( A ). and
( B ). or
( C ). but
Answer: or
Explanation: आप अभी खाना चाहते हैं या बाद में ?
Answer below question:
Question: Most people work by day ___ sleep by night.
( A ). and
( B ). or
( C ). but
Answer: and
Explanation: अधिकांश लोग दिन में काम करते हैं और रात में सोते हैं।
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Coordinating Conjunctions
स्वतंत्र या समान स्तर के दो statements को जोड़ने वाले conjunctions को co-ordinating conjunctions (समानपदीय समुच्चय बोधक अव्यय) कहा जाता है। Coordinating Conjunctions को याद रखने का एक बहुत ही आसान तरीका है - FANBOYS
F = for
A = and
N = nor
B = but
O = or
Y = yet
S = so