Answer below question:
Question: मेरे पिता ज्यादा चाय नहीं पीते है।
( A ). My father doesn't eat much tea.
( B ). My father doesn't drink much tea.
( C ). My father doesn't drinks much tea.
( D ). My father don't drink much tea.
Answer: My father doesn't drink much tea.
Answer below question:
Question: कितने फूल?
( A ). How many flowers?
( B ). How much flowers?
( C ). How many flower?
( D ). How much flower?
Answer: How many flowers?
Explanation: flowers गणनीय संज्ञा है अतःhow many का प्रयोग होगा है।
Learn by TIPS:
बहुत पानी Much water
कितना पानी How much water?
Much बहुत
How much कितना /कितने
Much का प्रयोग Singular Uncountable Nouns (एकवचन अगणनीय संज्ञाओं) जिन्हें हम गिन नहीं सकते।
Answer below question:
Question: How ______ friends does she have?
( A ). much
( B ). many
Answer: many
Explanation: इस वाक्य का अर्थ है - उसके कितने मित्र है?
Learn by TIPS:
बहुत लड़के Many boys
कितने लड़के? How many boys?
Many --- कई
How many --- कितना /कितने
Many का प्रयोग Plural Countable Nouns(बहुवचन गणनीय संज्ञाओं) के साथ होता हैं जिन्हें हम Numbers में गिन सकते हैं।
Answer below question:
Question: कितना खाना ?
( A ). How many food?
( B ). How much food?
( C ). How many foods?
( D ). How much foods?
Answer: How much food?
Explanation: food अगणनीय संज्ञा हैं। इसलिए how much का प्रयोग होगा।
Answer below question:
Question: Do you have ______ friends?
( A ). much
( B ). many
Answer: many
Explanation: इस वाक्य का अर्थ है - क्या आपके कई दोस्त हैं?
Answer below question:
Question: I put too _______ salt in the soup.
( A ). much
( B ). many
Answer: much
Explanation: इस वाक्य का अर्थ है - मैंने सूप में बहुत ज्यादा नमक डाल दिया।
Answer below question:
Question: कितना दूध है?
( A ). How many milk is there?
( B ). How many milks is there?
( C ). How much milks is there?
( D ). How much milk is there?
Answer: How much milk is there?
Answer below question:
Question: _______ cars
( A ). Many
( B ). Much
Answer: Many
Explanation: इस का अर्थ है - कितनी कार ?