Lesson- Indirect Speech of Imperative Sentences - Imperative sentences

Answer below question:
Question: The doctor said to me, “Take medicine in time.” (डॉक्टर ने मुझ से कहा, "समय में दवा ले लो।")

( A ). The doctor warned me to take medicine in time.

( B ). The doctor advised me to take medicine in time.

( C ). The doctor commanded me to take medicine in time.

( D ). The doctor advised me to took medicine in time.

Answer: The doctor advised me to take medicine in time.
Explanation: डॉक्टर ने मुझे समय में दवा लेने के लिए सलाह दी।

Answer below question:
Question: Rohit said to Reena, “Please give me a pen.” (रोहित ने रीना से कहा, "कृप्या मुझे एक कलम दे दीजिए।")

( A ). Rohit ordered Reena to give him a pen.

( B ). Rohit requested Reena to gave him a pen.

( C ). Rohit requested Reena to give him a pen.

( D ). Rohit requested Reena that give him a pen.

Answer: Rohit requested Reena to give him a pen.
Explanation: रोहित ने रीना से उसे एक पेन देने के लिए अनुरोध किया ।

Learn by TIPS:

  • Imperative वाक्य में अलग अलग भाव होते है - आदेश, प्रार्थना, सुझाव, सलाह इत्यादी । Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में परिवर्तित करने के लिये, Reporting Verb के भाव के अनुसार, 'said to' को हटा कर अन्य शब्द जैसे requested, advised, ordered, commanded, suggested, warned, आदि से बदलते है।
  • अगर Direct Speech में Please हो तो Indirected Speech में requested का प्रयोग करते है पर उस समय please का प्रयोग नहीं करते।
  • Imperative Sentence में दोनों भागो को जोड़ने के लिये 'to' शब्द लगाया जाता है ।  
  • नकारात्मक वाक्यो में 'do not' को हटा दिया जाता है और 'not to' का प्रयोग Direct Speech को Indirect Speech बनाने में किया जाता है ।
  • इनके अतिरिक्त बाकी सभी rules अन्य वाक्यों की तरह होते है।

Answer below question:
Question: The teacher said to Mukul, "Stand up on the bench." (अध्यापक ने मुकुल से कहा, "बेंच पर खड़े हो जाओ।")

( A ). The teacher said Mukul to stand up on the bench.

( B ). The teacher ordered Mukul if stand up on the bench.

( C ). The teacher ordered Mukul to stand up on the bench.

( D ). The teacher ordered Mukul that stand up on the bench.

Answer: The teacher ordered Mukul to stand up on the bench.
Explanation: अध्यापक ने मुकुल को आदेश दिया कि बेंच पर खड़ा हो जाये।

Answer below question:
Question: My mother said to me, "Switch off the fan?” (मेरी माँ ने मुझसे कहा, "पंखा बंद कर दो, करोगे क्या?)

( A ). My mother asked me to switch off the fan.

( B ). My mother asked me that switch off the fan.

( C ). My mother asked me if switch off the fan.

( D ). My mother asked me whether switch off the fan.

Answer: My mother asked me to switch off the fan.
Explanation: मेरी माँ ने मुझसे कहा कि पंखा बंद कर दूँ।

Answer below question:
Question: The owner said to the boys, "Don't make a noise." (मालिक ने लड़कों से कहा, "शोर मत करो।")

( A ). The owner asked the boys to not to make noise.

( B ). The owner asked the boys not to make noise.

( C ). The owner asked the boys not to made noise.

( D ). The owner asked the boys that not to make noise.

Answer: The owner asked the boys not to make noise.
Explanation: मालिक ने लड़कों से कहा कि शोर मत करो।

Answer below question:
Question: I said to me servant, “Go to market.” (मैंने अपने नौकर से कहा, "बाजार जाओ। ")

( A ). I ordered my servant if go to market.

( B ). I requested my servant to go to market.

( C ). I warned my servant to go to market.

( D ). I ordered my servant to go to market.

Answer: I ordered my servant to go to market.
Explanation: मैंने अपने नौकर को बाजार के लिए जाने के लिए आदेश दिया।

Answer below question:
Question: He said, "Do not forget the address." (उन्होंने कहा, "पता मत भूलना।")

( A ). He reminded not to forgotten the address.

( B ). He reminded do not to forget the address.

( C ). He reminded to not forget the address.

( D ). He reminded not to forget the address.

Answer: He reminded not to forget the address.
Explanation: उन्होंने याद दिलाया कि पता मत भूलना।

Answer below question:
Question: He said to me, “Bring a glass of water.” (उन्होंने मुझ से कहा, "एक गिलास पानी ले आओ।")

( A ). He ordered me to brought a glass of water.

( B ). He ordered me to bringing a glass of water.

( C ). He ordered me to bring a glass of water.

( D ). He ordered me that to bring a glass of water.

Answer: He ordered me to bring a glass of water.
Explanation: उसने मुझे एक गिलास पानी लाने के लिए आदेश दिया।



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Indirect Speech of Imperative Sentences - Imperative sentences - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on Indirect Speech of Imperative Sentences - Imperative sentences

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