Lesson- आप कैसे है? पूछना सीखे - Learn the use of How

Answer below question:
Question: तुम्हें आज कैसा लग रहा है?

( A ). How are you travelling?

( B ). How do you feel today?

( C ). How do I feel today?

( D ). How does you feel today?

Answer: How do you feel today?

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How – कैसे/ कुछ करने का तरीका

Answer below question:
Question: आप कैसे यात्रा कर रहे हो?

( A ). How are you travelling?

( B ). How is you travelling?

( C ). How do you go travelling?

( D ). How are she travelling?

Answer: How are you travelling?

Answer below question:
Question: जिंदगी कैसी चल रही है?

( A ). How is life?

( B ). How life is?

( C ). How does life?

( D ). How are life?

Answer: How is life?

किसी व्यक्ति से बात शुरू करने पर उनके तबियत के विषय में पूछना चाहिए।
हां यह शालीनता की निशानी है जाहे आप फ़ोन पर बात करे या सामने ।
हम हमेशा पूछते है -- आप कैसे है?
आप कैसे है? को अंग्रेज़ी में How are you कहते है।

Answer below question:
Question: आप स्कूल कैसे जाते हैं?

( A ). How do you go to the market?

( B ). How do you go to school?

( C ). How do I go to school?

( D ). How does you go to school?

Answer: How do you go to school?

Answer below question:
Question: आप वहाँ कैसे गए?

( A ). How did I went there?

( B ). How did you go there?

( C ). How did you come here?

( D ). How you did go there?

Answer: How did you go there?

Answer below question:
Question: आपने ऐसा कैसे किया?

( A ). How did you did that?

( B ). How did you does that?

( C ). How did you do that?

( D ). How are you?

Answer: How did you do that?
Explanation: question word + helping verb + subject + verb + object

Answer below question:
Question: उसकी क्या उम्र है?

( A ). How old is her?

( B ). How old is she?

( C ). How is old she?

( D ). How old is you?

Answer: How old is she?

Answer below question:
Question: आप कैसे है ?

( A ). How is life?

( B ). How old is she?

( C ). How you are?

( D ). How are you?

Answer: How are you?

Answer below question:
Question: आपका भाई कितने साल का है?

( A ). How old is your brother?

( B ). How old are my brothers?

( C ). How is your brother old?

( D ). How old is brothers?

Answer: How old is your brother?

Answer below question:
Question: यह इमारत कितना लंबा है ?

( A ). How tall is this building?

( B ). How this is tall building?

( C ). How tall is these building?

( D ). How are this building tall?

Answer: How tall is this building?



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आप कैसे है? पूछना सीखे - Learn the use of How - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on आप कैसे है? पूछना सीखे - Learn the use of How

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