Answer below question:
Question: If I lived in US, ___________
( A ). I would spoken English fluently.
( B ). I will speak English fluently.
( C ). I would speak English fluently.
Answer: I would speak English fluently.
Explanation: अगर मैं अमेरिका में रहता, तो मैं धाराप्रवाह अंग्रेजी बोलता।
Answer below question:
Question: अगर मैंने पढ़ाई की होती, तो मैं परीक्षा में पास हो गया होता।
( A ). If I studied, I would pass the exam.
( B ). If I studied, I will pass the exam.
( C ). If I studied, I would have pass the exam.
Answer: If I studied, I would pass the exam.
Answer below question:
Question: यदि मेरे पास कार होती, तो मैं तुम्हें दे देता।
( A ). If I have a car, I would lend it to you.
( B ). If I had a car, I would lend it to you.
( C ). If I had a car, I would lent it to you.
Answer: If I had a car, I would lend it to you.
Learn by TIPS:
Second Conditional Sentences - in theory only possible to fulfill
if past tense would 1st form of verb
Second conditional में if clause past tense में होता है और main clause में would का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इस तरह के वाक्य या तो काल्पनिक conditions को दर्शाते है या फिर उस बात का होना असंभव (नामुकिन) होता है। इन वाक्यों में tense - Past tense (काल - भूतकाल) होता है परन्तु वह वर्तमान समय को दर्शाता है।
If I won a crore rupees, I would stop teaching. (अगर मैं एक करोड़ रूपये जीतता, तो मैं शिक्षण बंद कर देता।)
If it were to rain tomorrow, I would dance in the street. (यदि कल बारिश होती, तो मैं गली में नृत्य करता।)
If I were a Prime Minister, I would ban smoking. (अगर मैं एक प्रधानमंत्री होता, तो मैं धूम्रपान पर प्रतिबंध लगा देता।)
Student | Teacher |
आज भारत में बहुत भ्रष्टाचार है। अगर मैं प्रधानमंत्री होता तो सभी भ्रष्टाचारियों को कड़ी सज़ा देता। | |
बहुत अच्छे विचार है पर यह संभव नहीं है। | |
हाँ मुझे पता है। | |
क्या आप यह भी जानते है कि यह विचार केवल बोलने में ही संभव है और ऐसे वाक्यों को 2nd टाइप के conditional sentences कहते है। | |
यह तो मुझे पता चल गया कि Second Conditional Sentences काल्पनिक होते है जो पूरे नहीं किये जा सकते। पर इन्हें अंग्रेज़ी में कैसे बोला जाएगा? | |
ऐसे वाक्यों की अंग्रेज़ी If clause की मदद से बनाया जाता है। आओ इन्हें सीखें - |
Answer below question:
Question: If my grandmother were alive today, ________
( A ). she would be above 90!
( B ). she will be above 90!
( C ). he would be above 90!
Answer: she would be above 90!
Explanation: अगर मेरी दादी आज जीवित होती, तो वह 90 से ऊपर होती।
Answer below question:
Question: अगर मैं अमीर होता तो मैं क्यों काम करता?
( A ). If I were rich then why would I worked?
( B ). If I were rich then why would I work?
( C ). If I were rich then what would I work?
Answer: If I were rich then why would I work?
Answer below question:
Question: If dogs had wings, ____________
( A ). they would be able swim.
( B ). they would be able to fly.
( C ). they shall be able to fly.
Answer: they would be able to fly.
Explanation: अगर कुत्तों के पंख होते, तो वे उड़ान भरने में सक्षम होते।
Answer below question:
Question: अगर हर कोई तेजी से काम करता, तो हम समय पर खत्म करते।
( A ). If everyone worked faster, we finish in time.
( B ). If everyone worked faster, we would finishing in time.
( C ). If everyone worked faster, we would finish in time.
Answer: If everyone worked faster, we would finish in time.
Answer below question:
Question: If he came into my room, __________
( A ). I would shout loud.
( B ). I would shout loudly.
( C ). I would shouting loudly.
Answer: I would shout loudly.
Explanation: अगर वह मेरे कमरे में आता, तो मैं जोर से चिल्लाई होती।
Answer below question:
Question: अगर मैं तुम होती, मैं उस आदमी के साथ बाहर नहीं जाती।
( A ). If I were you, I wouldn't went out with that man.
( B ). If I were you, I wouldn't gone out with that man.
( C ). If I were you, I wouldn't go out with that man.
Answer: If I were you, I wouldn't go out with that man.