Lesson- आपको दयालु होना चाहिए - Use of ought to

Answer below question:
Question: आपको स्वीकार करना चाहिए कि आप ने गलती की।

( A ). You ought to admitted that you made a mistake.

( B ). You ought to admitting that you made a mistake.

( C ). You ought to admit that you made a mistake.

( D ). You ought admit to that you made a mistake.

Answer: You ought to admit that you made a mistake.

Answer below question:
Question: मौसम को मई में ठंडा नहीं होना चाहिए।

( A ). The weather ought not be to cold in May.

( B ). The weather ought not to be hot in May.

( C ). The ought not weather to be cold in May.

( D ). The weather ought not to be cold in May.

Answer: The weather ought not to be cold in May.

Answer below question:
Question: We _________ ordered so much food.

( A ). ought not to have

( B ). ought to not have

( C ). ought not have to

Answer: ought not to have
Explanation: हमें इतने भोजन का आर्डर नहीं करना चाहिए।

Answer below question:
Question: उसे इतना नहीं पीना चाहिए।

( A ). He ought not to drunk so much.

( B ). He ought to not drink so much.

( C ). He ought drink not so much.

( D ). He ought not to drink so much.

Answer: He ought not to drink so much.

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Ought to का प्रयॊग बाध्यता का बोध कराने के लिए होता है जो मूलतः नैतिक या सामाजिक (moral/ social) हो ना कि legal. ऐसे कार्य के लिए कोई कानूनी बाध्यता नहीं होनी चाहिए। Ought to के बदले Should का प्रयॊग भी किया जा सकता है। सभी Subjects के साथ Ought to का प्रयॊग होता है। जैसे -

Recommendation: You ought to do more work. (आपको अधिक काम करना चाहिए।)

Strong expectation: Kiran ought to get the promotion. (किरण को पदोन्नति मिलना चाहिए।) (It is expected because he deserves it.)

Probability: This stock ought to increase in value. (इस शेयर के मूल्य में वृद्धि होनी चाहिए।)

Ought to का सामान्यतः should के समान ही अर्थ होता है। और इनका प्रयॊग अधिकतर समय एक दूसरे के स्थान पर किया जा सकता है।

You should/ought to get your hair cut. (आपको अपने बाल कटवाने चाहिए।)

Should is much more common (और आसान भी है), इसलिए अगर हम sure ना हो तो should का प्रयॊग करना ही अच्छा है।

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Structure of sentences:

Positive Sentence: Subject ought to V¹ Obj.

We ought to respect our parents. (हमें अपने माता-पिता का सम्मान करना चाहिए।)

We ought to help the poor. (हमें गरीबों की मदद करनी चाहिए।)

Negative Sentence: Subject ought not to V¹ Obj.

You ought not to smoke so much. (तुम्हें इतना धूम्रपान नहीं करना चाहिए।)

(The negative of ought to is not common. We usually use shouldn’t or should not instead.)

She ought not to take such risks while skiing. (आपको स्कीइंग करते समय इस तरह का जोख़िम नहीं लेना चाहिए।)

Interrogative Sentence:

Ought Subject (not) to V¹ Obj?

When/ Why/ How ought Subject (not) to V¹ Obj?

Ought we not to help the poor? (क्या हमें गरीबों की मदद नहीं करनी चाहिए?)

Ought you to be kind? (क्या आपको दयालु होना चाहिए?)

How ought we to respect our elders? (हमें अपने बड़ों का आदर कैसे करना चाहिए?)

Answer below question:
Question: We _________ more exercise.

( A ). ought to done

( B ). ought to do

( C ). ought do to

Answer: ought to do
Explanation: हमें और अधिक व्यायाम करना चाहिए।

Answer below question:
Question: Medicine _________ free.

( A ). ought to being

( B ). ought to become

( C ). ought to be

Answer: ought to be
Explanation: दवा मुफ्त होनी चाहिए।

Answer below question:
Question: अब यह आसान होना चाहिए।

( A ). It ought to be easy now.

( B ). It can be easy now.

( C ). It ought to easy be now.

( D ). It ought be to easy now.

Answer: It ought to be easy now.

Answer below question:
Question: मुझे अपने माता पिता को फोन कर लेना चाहिए।

( A ). I ought phone to my parents.

( B ). I phone ought to my parents.

( C ). I ought to phone my parents.

( D ). I ought to phone my friends.

Answer: I ought to phone my parents.

Answer below question:
Question: क्या हमें उसे जल्दी मिलना चाहिए?

( A ). Ought we to meet her soon?

( B ). Ought we meet to her soon?

( C ). Ought we not to meet her soon?

( D ). Ought we to meeting her soon?

Answer: Ought we to meet her soon?

Answer below question:
Question: You __________ said that about his mother.

( A ). ought not to had

( B ). ought not to have

( C ). ought not to having

Answer: ought not to have
Explanation: आपको उसकी माँ के बारे में ऐसा नहीं कहना चाहिए।



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आपको दयालु होना चाहिए - Use of ought to - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on आपको दयालु होना चाहिए - Use of ought to

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