Answer below question:
Question: आप काम पर कब जाते हैं?
( A ). When do you go to work?
( B ). What do you go to work?
( C ). Why do you go to work?
( D ). How do you go to work?
Answer: When do you go to work?
Explanation: When - कब , समय के बारे में पूछने के लिए हम प्रश्न When से शुरू करते है।
Answer below question:
Question: _____ are you?
( A ). When
( B ). Which
( C ). Who
Answer: Who
Explanation: Who are you? इसका मतलब है --आप कौन हैं?
Answer below question:
Question: अनीता सुबह में कब उठती है ?
( A ). Who does Anita get up in the morning?
( B ). Where does Anita get up in the morning?
( C ). When does Anita get up in the morning?
( D ). What does Anita get up in the morning?
Answer: When does Anita get up in the morning?
Answer below question:
Question: यह महिला कौन है?
( A ). Where is this lady?
( B ). How is this lady?
( C ). Who is this lady?
( D ). When is this lady?
Answer: Who is this lady?
Answer below question:
Question: ______ is your birthday?
( A ). Who
( B ). When
( C ). Why
Answer: When
Explanation: When is your birthday? इसका मतलब है --आपका जन्मदिन कब है?
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प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य की संरचना
Question word helping verb subject verb object ?
Answer below question:
Question: तुम्हारा जन्म कब हुआ?
( A ). What were you born?
( B ). Why were you born?
( C ). Which were you born?
( D ). When were you born?
Answer: When were you born?
Learn by TIPS:
Where - कहाँ - asks a question about place
When - कब - asks questions about time
Who - कौन - asks questions about people
Answer below question:
Question: आप कहाँ रहते हैं?
( A ). Why do you live?
( B ). How do you live?
( C ). What do you live?
( D ). Where do you live?
Answer: Where do you live?
Explanation: Where - कहाँ , जब हमे किसी जगह के बारे में पूछना होता है तो हम प्रश्न WHERE से शुरू करते है।
Teacher | |
किसी का परिचय जानने के लिए उससे कुछ प्रश्न पूछते है। उन प्रश्नो के द्वारा व्यक्ति के विषय में जाना जा सकता है। |
Answer below question:
Question: ______ are you from?
( A ). Who
( B ). When
( C ). Where
Answer: Where
Explanation: Where are you from? इसका मतलब है --आप कहां के निवासी हैं?
Answer below question:
Question: कौन बुला रहा है ?
( A ). Who is calling?
( B ). Why is calling?
( C ). Where is calling?
( D ). What is calling?
Answer: Who is calling?
Explanation: Who मतलब कौन
Answer below question:
Question: ______ is your office?
( A ). Who
( B ). Where
( C ). Why
Answer: Where
Explanation: Where is your office? इसका मतलब है --आपका कार्यालय कहाँ है?