Lesson- वह दवा लेता होगा। - Use of Would

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Would का प्रयॊग प्रायः भूतकाल की बात करने के लिए (talk about the past), अतीत में भविष्य की बातें करने में (talk about the future in the past), conditional mood को दर्शाने के लिए होता है।

इसके अतिरिक्त Would - इच्छा (desire), अनुरोध और सवाल (polite requests and questions), राय या आशा (opinion or hope), इच्छा और अफसोस (wish and regret) को व्यक्त करने के लिए भी होता है। अधिकांश समय हिंदी वाक्य की क्रिया के अन्त में -ता होगा/ -ती होगी/ -ते होंगे इत्यादि रहे, उस क्रिया का अनुवाद would में होगा। (But not necessarily) जैसे -

Would you please pass the salt to me?क्या तुम नमक मेरी तरफ सरकाओगे?) (Polite request)

I would like to become a doctor. (मैं डॉक्टर बनाना चाहता हूँ।) (Wish)

I would rather play than sleep now. (मैं अभी सोने की अपेक्षा खेलना पसंद करूंगा।)

Would that I were young again. (काश मैं दोबारा जवान हो जाता।) (Express imagination)

Answer below question:
Question: वह अभी पढ़ रही होगी।

( A ). She should be studying now.

( B ). She would be studying now.

( C ). She would be study now.

( D ). She would be studying afterwards.

Answer: She would be studying now.
Explanation: संभावना (probability) व्यक्त करने के लिए would का प्रयॊग करते हैं।

Answer below question:
Question: तुम प्रतिदिन कड़ी मेहनत करते होगे।

( A ). You would work hard daily.

( B ). You shall work hard daily.

( C ). You would worked hard daily.

( D ). You would hard work daily.

Answer: You would work hard daily.

Answer below question:
Question: क्या आप मेरा प्रवेश पत्र भर दोगे?

( A ). Would fill up you my application form?

( B ). Would you filled up my application form?

( C ). Would you fill up my application form?

( D ). Would fill you up my application form?

Answer: Would you fill up my application form?
Explanation: अनुरोध करने के लिए भी हम कई बार would का प्रयॊग करते हैं।

Answer below question:
Question: मैं चाहता हूँ, आप धनवान बने।

( A ). I wish, you would will become rich.

( B ). I wish, you would beoming rich.

( C ). I wish, you would become rich.

( D ). I wish, you become would rich.

Answer: I wish, you would become rich.
Explanation: बहुत बार अपनी मर्जी, इच्छा या तमन्ना को वयक्त करने के लिए would का प्रयॊग करते हैं।

Answer below question:
Question: उसने कहा कि अगली बैठक एक महीने के अंदर की जायेगी।

( A ). He said the previous meeting would be in a month's time.

( B ). He said the next meeting should be in a month's time.

( C ). He said the next meeting would be in a month's time.

( D ). He said the next meeting would in a month's time.

Answer: He said the next meeting would be in a month's time.
Explanation: अतीत में भविष्य की बातें करने में लिए would का प्रयॊग करते हैं।

Answer below question:
Question: अगर मैं प्रधानमंत्री होती तो मैं बहुत खुश होती।

( A ). If I were the Prime Minister, I would be very happy.

( B ). If I am the Prime Minister, I would be very happy.

( C ). If I were the Prime Minister, I would been very happy.

( D ). If I were the Prime Minister, I be would very happy.

Answer: If I were the Prime Minister, I would be very happy.
Explanation: जब हम कल्पना (imagination) करते हैं तो उसका परिणाम बताने के लिए would का प्रयॊग करते हैं।

Answer below question:
Question: मैं कोल्ड ड्रिंक की अपेक्षा आइसक्रीम लेना पसंद करूंगा।

( A ). I would rather had ice cream than cold drink.

( B ). I have would rather ice cream than cold drink.

( C ). I would have ice cream than cold drink rather.

( D ). I would rather have ice cream than cold drink.

Answer: I would rather have ice cream than cold drink.



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वह दवा लेता होगा। - Use of Would - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on वह दवा लेता होगा। - Use of Would

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