Lesson- स्थिति बताये - Preposition of place ---1

Answer below question:
Question: वह बस स्टॉप पर आप के लिए इंतज़ार कर रही है ।

( A ). She is waiting for you on the bus stop.

( B ). She is waiting for you in the bus stop.

( C ). She is waiting for you at the bus stop.

( D ). She are waiting for you at the bus stop.

Answer: She is waiting for you at the bus stop.
Explanation: (एक छोटी जगह / या एक point के लिए at use होता है)

Answer below question:
Question: मेरी न्यूयॉर्क में एक बैठक है ।

( A ). I have a meeting at New York.

( B ). I have a meeting in New York.

( C ). I have a meeting on New York.

( D ). I has a meeting in New York.

Answer: I have a meeting in New York.
Explanation: (शहरों, देशों, राज्यों , देशों, और महाद्वीपों के नाम के लिए in इस्तेमाल करते हैं।)

Answer below question:
Question: He works ____ bank.

( A ). on

( B ). in

( C ). at

( D ). to

Answer: at
Explanation: ( कार्यस्थलों के बारे में बात करने के लिए at का प्रयोग करते है। इस वाक्य का अर्थ है ---वह एक बैंक में काम करता है।)

Answer below question:
Question: तुमने बाथरूम में अपने चश्मे छोड़ दिए है।

( A ). You left your glasses at the bathroom.

( B ). You left your glasses in the bathroom.

( C ). You left your glasses on the bathroom.

( D ). You left my glasses on the bathroom.

Answer: You left your glasses in the bathroom.

Answer below question:
Question: The picture is _____ the wall.

( A ). on

( B ). in

( C ). at

( D ). to

Answer: on
Explanation: (on सतह - wall को बताने के लिए का प्रयोग करते है इस वाक्य का अर्थ है ---तस्वीर दीवार पर है।)

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शहरों, देशों, राज्यों , देशों, और महाद्वीपों के नाम के लिए in इस्तेमाल करते हैं। जैसे----

She lives in New Delhi.

New Delhi is in India.

Answer below question:
Question: लेखक का नाम किताब के कवर पर है ।

( A ). The author's names are on the cover of the book.

( B ). The author's name is at the cover of the book.

( C ). The author's name is in the cover of the book.

( D ). The author's name is on the cover of the book.

Answer: The author's name is on the cover of the book.

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आम तौर पर हम जगह बताने के लिए at , in और on शब्दो का प्रयोग करते है।


एक बिंदु के लिए (for a POINT)  - हम विशिष्ट पते के लिए at  का प्रयोग करते है।

शहरों में स्थानों के नाम के साथ प्रयोग करते है।  

समूह की गतिविधियों और दुकान / कार्यस्थलों के बारे में बात करने के लिए । जैसे ----

I saw him at the baker’s shop.

Answer below question:
Question: मैंने बेकर की दुकान पर उसे देखा।

( A ). I seen him on the baker's shop.

( B ). I saw him on the baker's shop.

( C ). I saw him in the baker's shop.

( D ). I saw him at the baker's shop.

Answer: I saw him at the baker's shop.

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हम सड़कों , रास्ते, आदि के नाम को नामित करने के लिए / एक सतह (surface) के लिए on इस्तेमाल करते हैं। जैसे----

Her house is on Aurangzeb road in New Delhi.

The dog is lying on the floor.


Answer below question:
Question: क्या आप ऑफिस में काम करते हैं?

( A ). Does you work in office?

( B ). Do you work at office?

( C ). Do you work in office?

( D ). Do you work on office?

Answer: Do you work in office?

Answer below question:
Question: दुकान सड़क के अंत में है ।

( A ). The shop is at the end of the street.

( B ). The shop is in the end of the street.

( C ). The shop is on the end of the street.

( D ). The shop are at the end of the street.

Answer: The shop is at the end of the street.
Explanation: (एक निश्चित जगह को बताया जा रहा है।)

Answer below question:
Question: बैठक में कई लोग नहीं थे।

( A ). There were not many people at the meeting.

( B ). There were not many people in the meeting.

( C ). There were not many people on the meeting.

( D ). There were not much people at the meeting.

Answer: There were not many people at the meeting.
Explanation: (समूह की गतिविधियों के बारे में बात करने के लिए at का प्रयोग होगा । )



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स्थिति बताये - Preposition of place ---1 - English Grammar Lesson : Improve your English Grammar in Hindi Medium to better create English sentence and score high in competition exams.Namaste English is providing tips , conversations and MCQS on स्थिति बताये - Preposition of place ---1

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